Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 11:54 PM
went to the NATAS fair today. Haha. 'dilly-dallied' at the taiwan booth for super long :D i love taiwan! yay. haha really lor.
then there was this magic performance by a guy called oscar. they even promoted him as some guy that went onto 钻石夜总会to 变魔术. actually his magic okok only lah. HAHA. kidding.
the admission into the expo hall need to buy 'ticket' one.
its like a strip to wear on the wrist. yeah. a bit like go hospital stay lidddat.
booked a tour to korea... :DD zj's gonna get so jealous. yayyay. hehe. snowyyyyy.
Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 11:40 PM
ohmygosh. stage has new arrivals. i have a crave to go buy a stage crew shirt there. accompany me anyone? :D