Wednesday, September 05, 2007 @ 8:21 PM
photo shoot
had a photo shoot todae with namely, lynnette, hooi choo and someone called lavanese(dont know how to spell) - sec1. for a teacher's magazine. Contact i think. front cover okay! dont play play=) it was cool. damn cool.
we had to use a mini torchlight to draw. how cool is that?
and the camera can capture whatever we drawn! so nice right? love it man<3
i was told to draw a treble clef. nice right? but mirror image!!
my gawddd. took me some time to realise lynnette's meaning about my turn.
but the photographer(Richard Koh -Mr Koh) took lots of pictures. so i finally learnt it. =)
so proud of myself. yayayay so funnn. lurve it
somemore took pics from 1.30 to 4.30pm. *faints*
smile so 僵硬 (stiffen) after so long. and so tired. but the pictures were nice.
ya. didnt mention ms pham. she ah.draw a volcano that doesnt even look like one. hahas.
i dont really doubt that she is a geog teacher now!
so in the end, she drew a compass. the north thing with arrows.
i shall say what each of us draw. starting from the right of the picture,
hooi choo drew a flask(the head of the flask was occasionally fat, and sometimes small)
lynnette drew a cloud (she was initially supposed to draw maths but she pushed the
dirty job to the poor sec 1 gurl)
then ms pham drew a compass
me - treble clef and note at ms pham's BLACK shirt. cos cant see on our school uniform
sec 1 gurl drew a divide sign. (quite big one=P)
yeah. thats about it.
oh ya. tmr's piano exam. hope i dont freak out halfway...and MUST pass. yeah, if not i would be SO. DEAD.less than a month to FYE! must chiong already=(
@ 8:08 PM
YES. I AM BACK. after sucha long long time.
anyway. Hong Kong Microsoft Summer Trip rocked by the way.
seriously it did.
though there were only people from 3 countries, namely Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore.
and pathetically, the people from Singapore were only the 5 of us from Crescent.
so pathetic lor. unlike the rest, we only have 5 people.compared to the hongkong and taiwan people! ok. my computer wont let my upload.
i seriously miss those people a hell lot. especially those from taiwan.=D