omg. i saw this video.. that seems familiar(humph.. i think joey show me b4 but didnt take much of a notice. the song damnit nice.. den the video they cut until so nice. so pei.. omg.. but its very long. i think will take very long to load. but promise me. DO watch it okay? enjoy! u'll love it more than the previous one... or maybe not? ^^
@ 9:36 PM
this video is also quite early de.... but i like it soo much... cos got xiezhi =) [obvious!~] they said the 三分鐘(san fen zhong - three minutes) together, one say in a lower pitch, one in a higher pitch. i think renfu said the higher pitch one (his voice easier to recognize) they so mo qi right? hehes.
09SH21 4G2'08 3G2'07 2S1'06. 1S1'05
National Junior College Crescent Girls' School
♥羅志祥 + 5566~!